
Posts Tagged ‘scam’

The entertainer -family…adevar sau doar inca un lucru umflat in Dubai


Totul este de fapt o pacaleala. Mai multe detalii despte The entertainer puteti citi aici.

Doar firmele mari se respecta, vreau sa zic ca poti sa mergi linistit la restaurante, wild wadi, atractiile de la atlantis  si sigur si altele. Dar sa va spun cum a stat treaba in cazul nostru.

Am sunat la o firma de turism din carte pentru a face o rezervare. Am cerut un pret  si ei ne-au dat chiar 2 🙂 un pret fara cupoane si un pret cu cupoane:) initial m-a bufnit rasul. Am zis ca nu este adevarat, dar era.

Am scris pe facebook sa –i  intreb pe cei te la Entertainer daca este adevarat… ca mint:) cu ceea ce zic ca de fapt nu este 1 +1 gratis ci de fapt firmele de turism maresc pretul in cazul in care ai cupon.

Mai jos am copiat discutia cu Entertainer, ceea ce m-a descurajat si mai tare. Credeam ca sunt seriosi dar se pare nu sunt :

Ana Maria Ghposted toThe Entertainer

11 March

coupons are really valid or is a big scam? I tried to go to the desert safari and sales agents gave me double price when I said I will use the Entertainer coupon. how is that possible? are serious or not?

The Entertainer Ana, the coupons really are valid. Please tell me the desert safari you booked and the sales agent details so we can look into this. This is obviously absolutely not allowed. Apologies for the troubles you had, I can assure you this is an exception.

12 March at 07:47

Ana Maria Gh North Tours -Rohan Bhangdev Tour Consultant- price without voucher 190aed/pers and with voucher 275 aed.
Lama Tours – Roel “Weng” Batac – ask me for 3 people 275/pers+2 voucher, I don’t know why.
These 2 I e- mailed to, but i called almost all from the entertainer book and I got the same result: DWT(2 diffrent prices ), DRT (130 without and 250 with voucher),desert rangers(195 without and 295with voucher ), eclipse tourism (295 with voucher), sunflower tours(150 without and 250with voucher), DRT(130 without AND 250 withvoucher).
I didn’t take the desert safari yet because I was so angry about these results. I find other offer much better without cupons, but I want to use the entrertainer since I bought the books.

12 March at 08:32

The Entertainer Hi Ana, the discounted rates you are quoted will be the tour operators/desert safari own seasonal discounts which cant be used in conjunction with the Entertainer vouchers. So you are given the rate card cost for the Entertainer voucher. You will still be saving money if you use the Entertainer vouchers at rate card cost compared with the discount price for 2 or more people. In the first example your cost for 2 people without the vouchers would be AED380 but with vouchers would be AED275.

12 March at 11:09

Ana Maria Gh if the rate for 1 is 190 why they modify to 275 when you have the voucher. it seems normal to me to pay 190 + 1 voucher for 2 persons.and for the 3rd person again 190.

12 March at 13:58

The Entertainer Because 190 is the rate that they have discounted off the standrad rate. You should pay 275 (standard rate) for 2 people and then 190 for the third person who is not using an Entertainer voucher. So total bill for three – AED 465.

Ana Maria Gh ok. in this case what can I say I will choose foget about the vouchers and go for a company wich is not in entertainerbook and pay 135 aed for the safary.

12 March at 16:03

The Entertainer OK Ana sorry the book hasn’t paid off on this occassion – we dont have all possible suppliers in the book so you may find cheaper elsewhere but where comparing quotes from the same supplier using Entertainer vocuhers and not using them, Entertainer will always be the cheaper option! Enjoy desert safari 🙂

Bineinteles ca va fi mai ieftin cu cateva zeci de dirhami dar nu va fi unul gratis.

Am hotarat pana la urma sa ne ducem  cu DRT o saptamana mai tarziu cand am obtinut un pret de 500 +2 vouchere dirhami pentru 4 persoane si 1 copil. Nu mai tin minte cum a fost socoteala atunci deja nu-mi mai pasa oricum toti toate companiile aveau aceeasi practica.

Oricum nu se merita sa cumperi cartea numai din principiu.